One on one Support
Face-to-face sessions with your participant (or online for remote participants) to address barriers to work and support them to build their confidence and skills to find, or return to, work. Our sessions use Back2Work’s unique, evidence-based tools to plan the most effective pathway to employment.
Individual services also include medical assessments that can provide evidence to Centrelink to support a review of a participant’s circumstances and work capacity. These wrap around services make a difference.
We know that communication between health professionals or employment coaches matters. We provide comprehensive reports and invite employment coaches into parts of our sessions so we can all work together on the work goal.
We come to you to provide one on one support to your participants in consultation with your employment coaches. Together we address the health and non vocational barriers so that participants can return to work in the quickest time possible.

Individual Programs

Our Recover4Work program is designed to support participants with their motivation to change their gambling, alcohol and other substances behaviours that inherently disadvantage job attainment and employment retention.

Is our rapid response professional services (post placement support service) to address any (mental health or physical health) barriers to sustaining employment. This service can be flexibly delivered outside of hours, digitally or face to face onsite with the employer.

Health and work support plan
Our professional health and work service provides an intensive mental health, physical health and work barriers assessment. Wrap around support mapping and rapid community based referral pathways to address short, medium and long term barriers to employment.

Health advisory program
Our medical and health related intervention program where participants receive 3 to 4 hours of health intervention and health advice concluded with a medical report.

Our medical and health related intervention program where participants who are presenting with physical or medical barriers to employment will receive our individualised 5-hour health program to build their physical capacity and fitness for work.This program is delivered by a registered occupational therapist, physiotherapist or exercise physiologist, and will assist participants to manage their physical conditions, pain symptoms, and build their overall capacity for employment. This program can be delivered as a group program or individual intervention programs.

Our health professionals are experts at helping to engage disengaged or unmotivated participants, especially those with mental health or physical health barriers. This program engages participants back on their journey to work.
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